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Server licencing

edited September 2002 in Server
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am software developer of an IT-Company, which wants to use
'Report Builder Server' to deploy reports via the internet within
our web based application. Therefore the Report Builder Server
has to be installed at least on one of our custumers machines.
This would mean, that we would have to buy at least
number-of-our-customers licences a 249$.
This is a very high bill!

Is there another pricing, e.g. a enterprise licence for our company
of 'Report Builder Server' without regard of the installations we make?
Is there a run-time licence, which allows to install 'Report Builder
to an unlimited number of machines?

Is it right, that 'Report Builder Enterprise' does not need such Server
licences (has a runtime-licence, which ships automatically with the
developer licence?) ?


Andre' Brunner


  • edited September 2002
    "Edwin Volz" wrote in message
  • edited September 2002
    > This would mean, that we would have to buy at least

    Compared to Crystal? Compared to what? I think if you look around at other
    server based reporting tools, this is a very good price.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited October 2002
    And a very good reporting engine...
This discussion has been closed.