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Server as service -> EIBInterbaseError, unavailable database

edited September 2002 in Server
When I run the program on the server as a program it works just fine.

When I run the program on the server as a service it doesn't.
It does show the autosearch parameter of the selected report. (which
indicates of course it finds the report).
When I fill out a value and continue, i receive the error: "EInterbaseError,
database unavailable"

Is there except for the following something else I should do?

- Add "rsServerActiveX" to the uses clause in the interface section
- Run "ProgramName /regserver"

- Install RBWinService.exe
- Change the path of the service
- Start the service?

Olivier Peter.


  • edited September 2002
    On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 14:15:14 +0200, Olivier Peter wrote:

    Are you running the Interbase server as a service, too? It won't work when
    Interbase is running as a user process.

    Oliver Sturm
    Dahlhoff IT-Solutions - Buellenkothenweg 37a - 40229 Duesseldorf
    Tel.: 0211-2202821 - Fax: 0211-2202822 - http://www.dahlhoff.biz
    Jabber sturm@amessage.de ICQ 27142619 MSN macnapple@hotmail.com Y! macnapple
  • edited September 2002
    Yes, Interbase Server is running as a service on a machine with Windows 2000

  • edited September 2002

    I researched this issue and have now written a Tech Tip:

    Tech Tip: RB Server and Local Interbase

    Local Interbase is a desktop database solution and has built-in
    connectivtiy limitations. One such

    limitation is that a Window Service application cannot connect to it
    unless the service application has

    permission to interact with the desktop.

    Therefore if you are running a report server application within the
    context of ReportBuilder Services,

    you will need to modify the properties ReportBuilder Services.

    Modifying ReportBuilder Services Properties

    1. Access the Windows Service Manager

    2. select the ReportBuilder Services item.

    3. Stop the service

    4. Access the service properties dialog by Double-clicking on the item
    (or use the right mouse button).

    5. Select the LogOn tab

    6. click the checkbox labeled "Allow service to interact with desktop."

    7. Close the dialog

    8. Close the Windows Service Manager

    9. Use the RB Services tray icon application to start the server.

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2002
    Thanks Nard!

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