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PDF-File only 1 KB

I have a curios problem with RB 14.08: In some cases the generated PDF-File has only a size of 1 KB. When I open such a file with Notepad, it ends with "stream".
Are there any reasons for this? If there any way to check such files? Or is this a konow error which is fixed in the current version of ReportBuilder?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Greetings from germany
Gerd Brinkmann
invent GmbH


  • edited November 2022
    Hi Gerd,

    Looking back I do not see any specific issues with RB 14.08 that would cause this behavior. My suggestion would be to download a trial copy of the latest version of RB and test.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,

    thank you for your response. The problem is, that i cannot reproduce this error. I can make over serveral months 1000 PDF-Files correct and than one day there are suddenly 10 PDF-Files with 1 KB. Maybe it's a windows-problem.

    Thanks again and kind regards
    Gerd Brinkmann
    invent GmbH
  • Hi Gerd,

    Please consider upgrading to the latest version of ReportBuilder. If, after upgrading, you still experience the PDF issue (or any other issue), we will be able to provide active support to track down and solve the problem.

    For upgrade pricing and information, see the following web site.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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