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ReportBuilder 21.05 is now available

Digital Metaphors Corporation releases ReportBuilder 21.05!

ReportBuilder 21.05 includes VCL support for Delphi 11.2, Delphi 10.4, Delphi 10.3, Delphi 10.2, Delphi 10.1, Delphi 10, Delphi XE8, XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://rbwiki.digital-metaphors.com/general/whats-new/rb-21/

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/download/pdf/NewFeatures.pdf

New RB Software Subscription, see the following link

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade now!

Digital Metaphors Corporation releases ReportBuilder 21.05!

ReportBuilder 21.05 includes VCL support for Delphi 11.2, Delphi 10.4, Delphi 10.3, Delphi 10.2, Delphi 10.1, Delphi 10, Delphi XE8, XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://rbwiki.digital-metaphors.com/general/whats-new/rb-21/

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/download/pdf/NewFeatures.pdf

New RB Software Subscription, see the following link

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade now!

New for RB 21.05
- Support for Delphi 11.2

Bug Fixes for RB 21.05

- TextSearch, ArrangeControlsHorizontally needs to initialize tool images

- Print dialog not properly sizing for some language translations
- ExportFile dialog, Added FileName validation to detect invalid chars
- ExportFile dialog, Added XlsxReport options for IncludeSingleHeader/Footer

- Stretchable, Fix KeepTogether where main report contains only sections
- DataMatrix barcode, Allow barcode color change
- DataMatrix barcode, Binary encoding created invalid barcode in some cases

- Fixed error when using Bcc addresses
- Added support for Unicode subject fields
- MAPI, Enhanced MapiLogon to use existing session when possible
- REST Mail, Ensure FromAddress is blank for web mail

PDF, Bottom aligned wrapped text cut off
PDF, Fixes for ZUGFeRD 2.x support
PDF, 'Modified Date' for PDF attached files incorrect
PDF, MetaGraphics: Updated PatBlt command to support transparency
PDF, NeedsAppearances automatically set to false when signatures present
Xlsx, Modified CancelJob to improve support for case where EndJob is False
RTF, Some images were stretched unnecessarily

- HttpLoopBack, updated to function w/latest changes for Delphi 11
- HttpLoopBack, Fix destroy issue where async callback fires after destructor

------ Professional -------

- none

------ Enterprise ---------

- none
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