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ANN: Custom Parameters Now Available!

edited March 2003 in Server
ReportBuilder 7.02 Server Edition is now available for Delphi 7, Delphi 6
with Custom Parameters!

This is the second maintenance release for the Server Edition. The Server
Edition installs into a separate directory (.\RBServer) and appears on a
separate tab ('RBServer') of the Delphi component palette.

In order to learn more about the Server Edition, see the following:

Server Edition Developer's Guide

Located in .\RBServer\Developer's Guide, this PDF document provides both
conceptual information and hands-on tutorials designed to help you get up
and running as quickly as possible. Completed applications (the results of
completing each tutorial) are available in .\RBServer\Tutorials\Complete

On-Line Help

Located in .\RBServer\Help, this Windows help file integrates with the
Delphi help and is accessible from the Delphi Help contents as
'ReportBuilder Server Reference.' All of the most important classes which
make up the Server Edition are documented here. (Click F1 from the Object
Inspector or from a selected Delphi component to access the help for a given
component or property.)


Located in .\RBServer\Demos, the examples demonstrate the various
capabilities of the Server Edition. These can be of great assistance,
especially when you find an example that does exactly (or close to)
something you are trying to accomplish.

Newsgroups and support@digital-metaphors.com

Surf the Digital Metaphors web-site at: www.digital-metaphors.com and use
the menus (at the bottom of each web page) to navigate to the Support
section. Click on the newsgroups to quickly add the Digital Metaphors news
server to your newsreader, or click the e-mail address and send us a message

New for 7.02

1. Custom Parameters!

Custom session and report parameters can now be defined and sent between the
server and its clients (i.e. ClientReport or WebTier). New demos for the
Server, Client, and WebTier show how to implement custom parameters. Each
example contains a ReadMe.doc and commented code. The new Report.Parameters
property can be used to define custom report parameters that can be saved as
part of the report definition. The Report.Parameters are accessible from the
RAP coding environment.

2. Simplified Custom Export!

The WebTier architecture has been enhanced to simplify customization of the
web viewer's toolbar. An example that demonstrates how to add an Excel (XLS)
export button to the web report viewer is located in RBServer\Demos\Web
Tier\Custom Viewer. The example includes a ReadMe.doc and commented code.

3. TeeChart 6 Support!

ReportBuilder's TeeChart support has been enhanced to support TeeChart
version 6.

4. GUID Session ID's!

The WebTier and Server have been enhanced to generate GUID's for the session

Fixes for 7.02

1. An AV occurred when a TppViewer is created for use on the WebTtier.

2. WebTier Autosearch did not work properly for case in which a space
character ocurs within a search expression and for case in which a two digit
year is entered for a date expression.


  • edited March 2003

    how acquire this release (i don't find any download on your site);

  • edited March 2003

    If you are registered user of RB 7 Server Edition and did not receive
    notification, please contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your full
    registration information, including serial number, and request update info.

    Trial versions are available for download from our web site.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2003
    Can the custom parameters be accessed from within a query?

    I need to pass a record ID into the report and get the data for that record
    only (rather than grab all 250,000 records and filter out the wrong ones).
  • edited August 2003

    The Report.Parameters[] can be accessed from within any report code you need
    to write.

    You can also use the ReportVolume.BeforePublishReport event to access
    SessionParameters and ReportParameteres and the Report object. These are
    accessible via properties of the aEventParams object that is passed to the
    event-handler. The aEventParams object is of type
    TrsBeforePublishReportEventParams - the properties of this object are
    documented in the RBServer.hlp.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.