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ReportBuilder 20.02 is now available

Digital Metaphors Corporation announces the release of ReportBuilder 20.02!

ReportBuilder 20.02 includes VCL support for Delphi 10.3 Rio, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi XE8, Delphi XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://rbwiki.digital-metaphors.com/general/whats-new/rb-20/

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/download/pdf/NewFeatures.pdf

New RB Software Subscription, see the following link

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade now!

Enhancements for RB 20.02

- Delphi 10.3.3 support

Bug Fixes for RB 20.02

- Rulers not updated when View | Show Margins toggled
- Ruler Guides incorrect when Zoom <> 100%
- Toolbar, Designer close AV when toolbar floating
- Tabs are sometimes double-scaled for high DPI
- FieldEditor, Enhanced AddItem to set DBPipeline.AutoCreateFields False

- Output Dialog, Reduced flicker on load
- Export File Dialog, Added localization strings
- Export File Dialog, Manual file names caused an error

- Producer.TextFileName, added file path variable documentation
- Producer, Use TThread.CurrentThread to support legacy Delphi
- Producer, Restored compatibility for PrintDialog.ModalResult

- Stretchable.ShiftRelativeTo, restored compatibility
- DrawText.EqualTo, added Angle and FormFieldSettings
- CustomText.OnGetText, optimized to fire less frequently
- GMap, Updated documentation
- GMap, Marker Names, replace ' ' with '_'
- RichText, Use TThread.CurrentThread to support legacy Delphi
- Subreport, Error when section removed and Report.Print again

- Images, Optimize rendering transparent bitmaps
- Text, Improved for rendering wrapped text when scaled < 100%

- ScreenDevice, DBText hyperlinks not resized when auto-sized
- FileDevice, Reset PagesProcessed after exporting a report
- Viewer, Thumbnail Auto-fit not rendering correctly
- PDF, Enhanced XML Parser to skip over XML comments
- PDF, Added new fall-back fonts for Unicode support
- PDF, Baseline text alignment could be incorrect
- PDF, PDF/A metadata processing could cause an AV
- Xlsx, Added PageSetup PaperSize attribute to export
- Preview, IniStorage AccessoryToolbar Width scale to/from current DPI

- Outlook plug-in, Added props for OutlookOleObject, MailItem access
- Thunderbird plug-in, ToBlindCarbonCopy using Message.ToCarbonCopy value
- Thunderbird plug-in, Added alternate code for processing attachments
- Remove invalid attachments before sending email

- ppGetRootForName should return NativeUInt - Win64 compile warning
- CanvasMetaGraphics FloodFill should call Windows API directly

------> Professional <--------

- ElevateDB, DataSettings CollationType default to ctBinary

------> Enterprise <--------

- RTL, Fix case where Subreport.Report is TppReport w/DADE DataPipeline refs

------> Server <--------
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