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webtiers Custom parameters problem

edited March 2003 in Server

I have download the 7.02 release of Rbserver.
It's seems great, but how can I pass report name and volumename to
Trswebrequest object ?
These properties are in readonly mode.

For sample

My clientside Know the volume name and the reportname to display I want
write code like this :

Var Marequete:Trswebrequest

Marequete.SessionParameters ['Accountname'].value:='JP';
Marequete.SessionParameters ['AccountPassword'].value:='ILoveRB';
Marequete.SessionParameters ['Color'].value:='All';
//Marequete.ContentType :='Viewer';

Marequete.ReportName:='Monrapport'; <---- HERE IS THE PROBLEM
Response.Content := rsWebTier1.ProcessWebRequest(MaRequete);

If i write the same code in thin client wit trsclient object it works fine

Have any solution to help me ?



  • edited March 2003

    You can set these values via the WebRequest.ContentParameters as shown
    below. The WebRequest.ReportName and VolumeName are actually stored in the
    content parameters array. We'll have to make these read/write for the next


    myWebRequest.ContentParameters['Name'].Value := 'myReport';
    myWebRequest.ContentParameters['Volume'].Value := 'myVolume';

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2003
    Thank you very much it's seems to work

    Another question :

    I work with websnap and rbserver and I don't know how fixe webcachepath
    property to work
    with the delphi web debugger.
    In this mode i always obtain page not found error on each frame of the

    Have you an idea.

    Thank you

  • edited March 2003

    The RBServer\Demos\Web Tier\Web Debug example shows the settings that we use
    to test with Delphi's WebBroker. The WebModuleURI contains the url used by
    the web debugger. The WebCachePath is the url used by IIS to pull content
    that is referenced by the page frames.

    WebCachePath := http://localhost/rbWebPub/Cache/
    WebModuleURI := http://localhost:8081/rbWebDebug.CoRBWebDebug

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2003
    Thank you for your responses

    Yes I have read the demos and test them, but i have also the problem witth

    1. I run custom prameter demo server (it's ok')
    2. In delphi I run rbwebdebug.dpr in web tier\custom parameter directory
    3. I run delphi web debugger and run rbwebdebug.coRbwebdebug (Ok)
    4. Browser show me the login page (with name password color) (ok)
    so the communication between client web tiers and server seems ok

    5. when i submit form I have two frame but there is no volume and no report
    In the two frame i have error 'Internet explorer can't open the web page.
    Page is perhaps temporarly not disponible.

  • edited March 2003

    This indicates the Internet Explorer is not configured such that it has
    permission to access the directory.

    When I develop WebTier applications, I setup a directory on called
    c:\rbWebPub and configure IIS for a web applicaiton. This is explained in
    the ISAPI tutorial. You should use the same setup for a WebDebugger

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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