I have a couple questions about your Volume Type Demo: 03. Reports in a
Database Table:
1 - The datamodule contains no TppReport Components. How do we modify the
report stored in the database?
2 - Do we have to access report objects like the following function?
procedure TdmReportDBVolume.ppDetailBand1BeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
lReport: TppCustomReport;
lContinued: TppLabel;
lReport := TppBand(Sender).Report;
lContinued := TppLabel(lReport.FindUserObject('lblContinued'));
{when the detail band of the order subreport overflows, show continued
lContinued.Visible := TppBandedReport(lReport).Detail.OverFlow;
Thank you,
Tracy McClarnon
I have a couple questions about your Volume Type Demo: 03. Reports in a
Database Table:
1 - The datamodule contains no TppReport Components. How do we modify the
report stored in the database?
2 - Do we have to access report objects like the following function?
procedure TdmReportDBVolume.ppDetailBand1BeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
lReport: TppCustomReport;
lContinued: TppLabel;
lReport := TppBand(Sender).Report;
lContinued := TppLabel(lReport.FindUserObject('lblContinued'));
{when the detail band of the order subreport overflows, show continued
lContinued.Visible := TppBandedReport(lReport).Detail.OverFlow;
Thank you,
Tracy McClarnon
This discussion has been closed.
1. The ReportVolume is not meant to facilitate modifying the reports. I
recommend that you build another application that can modify the reports. Or
you can place a TppReport on the DataModule and load the report, edit and
save the report and then delete the TppReport component prior to running the
application. A TppReport component is created by the report volume, prior to
running the report on the server.
Storing the reports to .rtm files is simpler, it just depends on goals and
2. Using the ReportDesigner's Calc tab to code run-time Pascal (i.e. RAP) is
the best solution for creating reports that are portable. The code can be
saved with the definition of the report, outside of the .exe. Otherwise, you
will need to soft code the event-handlers as you indicated. There are some
examples of this in the RBServer\Develpers Guide tutorials.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors