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Incompatibilities in 7.02?

edited July 2003 in Server

it seems that the following procedures and functions
in RBS 7.02 are incompatible to those in 7.0:

"class function TslWebReportGeneratorRTF.WebContentType:String; override;"
in our unit "slWebReportGeneratorRTF
is not contained in "TrsWebReportGenerator".

The constructor of class "TrsWebCacheRTF"
"constructor CreateForReport(aSession: TrsWebSession;
aWebTier: TObject; aReportName: String); override;"
is not contained in "TrsWebCacheReport".

We don't have source code for "TrsWebCacheReport"
and "TrsWebReportGenerator". What can we do?

I hope I have correctly described the problem,
because I am only the translator and the project manager.

Thanks in advance,
Jochim Engel.


  • edited July 2003

    Please see BServer\Demos\Web Tier\Custom Viewer for an example of how to add
    additional output formats to the WebTier. The example includes a ReadMe.doc
    and commented code. The architecture has been greatly simplified.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.