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Alternating lines in green/white in PreviewForm?

edited July 2001 in General
One of my users is a little shortsighted and would love to view his reports
in the preview form (at 100% zoom) in alternating lines in green / white or
similar. This would allow him to scan the preview report from side to side
and easily keep track of his position in the report.

1. Is there some (simple) way of doing this?
2. Could you suggest an alternate idea I can use?


Best regards,

Note: I'm using Delphi v5 with ReportBuilder Enterprise v6.


  • edited July 2001
    Drop a TppLine (or TppShape, as you need) in the report. Color it. Put it in
    the background and size it.

    . In the component's .OnPrint event, code something like:

    procedure TForm1.ppLine1Print(Sender: TObject);
    ppLine1.Visible := (Table1.REcNo mod 2 = 0);

    where ppBDEPipeline1 is the Table1 is the dataset for the report. If you are
    using a JIT pipeline, use the pipline's RecordIndex property.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM

  • edited July 2001

  • edited July 2001
    Yes, this works perfectly. I added the following simple logic, so that the
    bands only show up on the screen (and not on the printed page):

    procedure Shape1OnPrint;
    if Report.DeviceType = dtScreen
    then Shape1.Visible := (Detail.Count mod 2 = 0)
    else Shape1.Visible := False;

    My user is going to love this! Thanks.

    Best regards,

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