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RB & Kylix

edited July 2001 in General

would RB be portable on Kylix ?

Did you thougth about a special version of RB for kylix?

thanks for ansers,



  • edited July 2001

    Though we see great potential in the Linux theater, we must make our
    decisions based on business realities. Therefore, we currently have no
    plans to develop a Kylix version. We will certainly make an announcement
    if this situation changes.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2001

    Thanks for your answer. Even if it doesn't really satisfy me. What we were
    thinking of is using linux as a server for dynamically generating web pages
    based on reports designed with report builder. So we don't really need all
    the functionalities but still some of them....

    In the reports product family, you got one competitor (
    http://www.fast-report.com/ apparently, they got an alpha release), whose
    product look like yours and have announce future avaibility of it's
    components for kylix. So will our only solution (and for other people who
    want to do cross platform development) be to switch to product like
    fastreport ? You'll loose customers, and we'll loose time :(

    Sorry for pushing you a bit but I saw that buisiness realities of lot of
    Delphi components writer seems to go by implementing kylix version of their
    components. For now, the market could be quite limited as lot of people are
    attending avaibility of kylix 3rd tiers components before starting their
    projects on that platform.

    best regards,


  • edited July 2001
    I would also love to see a Kylix enabled version of ReportBuilder. While the
    majority of applications will still be targeted on the Windows platforms,
    more and more designers (like me) will include Kylix compatibility as a
    requirement when shopping for a Reporting tool.

    Those developers might choose for FastReport even if it contains less
    features than ReportBuilder, because they do not feel like learning another
    reporting tool when they need it for Kylix. And personally I feel that Kylix
    becomming main stream in the desktop market if more a question of when than

    And last: Do you guys really want to let FastReport rule the Linux world
    without competition???

    Just my 2 cents,

    Jan Derk
  • edited July 2001
    At the RAD Tools (Delphi, Kylix, C++ Builder) Product Address, (it looked to
    me like there was about 1,000 people attending), the speaker asked:

    Who out there is using Kylix?

    Three people raised their hand. THREE!!! This at the BorCon immediately
    following the release of the product. Shouldn't that room have been swarming
    with excited, new Linux developers?

    But, as usual, the room was filled primarily with DELPHI developers. And I
    think the reason is simply price. Though Borland is doing the right thing in
    its pricing strategy for Kylix, the majority of Kylix users are interested
    in FREE first and professional software results second, and it's hard to
    make money off of that kind of market.

    It is going to take many, many YEARS for Linux to be relevant on the client
    side. We can't tread water supporting a major development effort and then a
    major product on a platform which has non-viable sales levels. This is
    called STEALING from the RB for Delphi product - and while Borland obviously
    has the resources to pull off such a feat - we don't.

    For those of you seriously considering curtailing the reporting related
    feature set you provide in Windows apps, just so you can use the same
    reporting tool in Linux and Windows, I would think again, because your
    Windows-based competition could end up eating you for lunch... :)


    Tom Ollar
    Digital Metaphors Corporation
  • edited July 2001
    Easy answer.... do you really do your market studies on a single public
    event ?

    For now, we hadn't start any project with Kylix. This is not due to pricing
    strategy from Borland. We're ready to make some investments in linux and
    kylix platform as some of our important customers are asking us to provide
    them our solution under linux environment. We're answering them that we're
    currently waiting for third parties components to be available to provide
    them our solutions.

    I think lot of potential kylix customer are just waiting for products like
    yours to be available to switch to kylix. For instance, we'll not swith to
    D6 until we're sure that all components we're using are stable under that
    platform. This doest not mean we'll never buy D6...

    And if I'm asking you this and putting you in face of some of your
    competitors, it's certainly not for curtailing our reporting related
    feature. It's really to try to find a solution with you.



    PS : Is there any reason I now can't find any of my posts in your news
    groups ? Should I repost them ?

  • edited July 2001
    You shouldn't have to repost. Is there a post in particular that you need
    some info from- I can get it off the server if you can't find it. What was
    the subject? I know OutlookExpress is really bad at searching. It usually
    can't find anything for

    We foward any messages which have attachments, to support@ and then delete the message from the newsgroup. We also only remove messages if they are not related to RB or there is offensive material. I checked the admin's account and there weren't any removed messages from you that I could see.


    PS : Is there any reason I now can't find any of my posts in your news
    groups ? Should I repost them ?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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