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Group totals not clearing

edited July 2001 in General
I'm using Delphi5 Ent and RB 5.52 Ent, and I have a report with subreports,
one of which works on a filtered dataset to generate a small cross tab. The
filtering works fine and in the detail lines I see every correct record, but
the group total band refuses to clear the very first record and replace it
with the first record of the new (filtered) dataset. On the group footer I
just have some ppDBCalcs with DBCalcType set to dcSum. Every group break
continues to print the very first record in the unfiltered dataset in spite
of the fact that the filtered group does not contain that record. I've tried
Reset and ClearBookMarkList as well Any Ideas about what I might be doing


  • edited July 2001

    Sorry, but do not quite understand the configuration. Sounds like
    master/with mulitple details. If you have a master/detail configuration
    and want to manually filter the records then you must do this in the
    master datapipeline.OnRecordPositionChange event.

    You mention a crosstab component - which dataset is it connected to you.
    Do you have master/detail/detail?

    In general any data-aware control in RB will print the datavalue of the
    current record - each time it gets it turn to print on a page. It is the
    report and subreports that traverse the data.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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