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Save to use RB6 for D5?

edited July 2001 in General

in some messages I saw that RB6 will 'kill' the
datapipeline-connections to the reports.
Now I would like to know if this only occurs in some seldom cases and
so it is save to use RB6 or will I have a lot of work to 'reconnect'
the pipelines?

When will the next release appear? Should I wait?

Gruß aus den Bergen


  • edited July 2001

    Known RB 6 datapipeline issues:

    1. If you have report that resides on Form1 and it is connected to
    datapipelines residing on Form2, the datapipelines will not get properly
    connected. If the datapipelines reside on DataModule1 it will work fine.

    2. If you have master/detail reports created prior to RB 5.5 that you
    use the deprecated technique of connecting the detailband to the
    datapipeline, the reports will not be properly converted to RB 6.

    Both of these issues will be fixed for the next maintenance release.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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