missing dclRBE55
I am writing a DADE package for Report Builder. When I am debugging the
package, I receive an error when starting the debug session of Delphi,
'cannot load dclRBE55'. I don't have this problem at any other time.
Anyone know why this happens? It does not seem to effect my debugging
session in any other way.
Jim Poe (jpoe@fulcrumit.com)
package, I receive an error when starting the debug session of Delphi,
'cannot load dclRBE55'. I don't have this problem at any other time.
Anyone know why this happens? It does not seem to effect my debugging
session in any other way.
Jim Poe (jpoe@fulcrumit.com)
This discussion has been closed.
To debug a DADE plug-in, just add the .pas unit to your Delphi end-user
project and then use the end-user designer to debug at run-time. For the
plug-ins we've developed, debugging at Delphi design-time was not
required at all.
I have done some debuggin at Delphi design-time, but have not
encountered this error. dclRBE55.bpl should be in RBuilder\Lib.
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
I am new to this. Are you saying that if it works at run-time, it will work
at design-time?
Jim Poe (jpoe@fulcrumit.com)
For the DADE Plug-ins, that has been my experience. In any case, its
always easier to debug in run-time and get it working. Then test at
Delphi design-time. :-}
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors