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CachePages with one-pass vs two pass

edited July 2001 in General
I set 'Cachepages' to true. If I set PassSetting to psTwoPass, when I
traverse through the pages for the first time, the events are re-triggered.
This is problematic if you jump to the last page, then go one page
backwards. Some events are called before others should have been ( e.g.

If I set PassSetting to psOnePass, whenever a page is caculated it really is
cached. That is, if I go to the last page and then go one page back, it just
displays what was cached on the 'forward' calculation of the report.

This would be fine, but we need to display 'Page x of y', thus having to
set psTwoPass.
Is there something I can set to force a cache read on a two pass setting ?
If not, what would be the best work around ?




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