I am also to print an mult-page invoice that the invoice total as "To be Continue" and last page to show the invoice total (database field) in programming.
Is it able to do it in design mode (End-user) ? and how ?
In Demo 63 (dm0063.pas) of the RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr project there is an example of this. The code in the GroupHeaderBand.BeforeEvent includes the following:
In Demo 63 (dm0063.pas) of the RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr project
there is an example of this. The code in the GroupHeaderBand.BeforeEvent
includes the following:
if ppStockList.Groups[0].FirstPage then
ppLblRecommendation.Caption := 'Recommended ' + lsRecommendation + '
ppLblRecommendation.Caption := 'Recommended ' + lsRecommendation +
'''s continued...';
To something like the above from the End-User designer requires RAP, the
run-time pascak environment included with RB Enterprise.
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors