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Saving PPMemo to Text File

edited August 2001 in General
i was wondering how to save a Memo to a text file. i have report which also
uses subreports. when the reports are generated, the memo is on the screen.
when it is printed to a ret text file, all the subreports are printed to the
text file excluding the memo
thanks for the help


  • edited August 2001
    Hi Kara,

    this is a limitation of the text-device.
    When I have to print Memos with the text-device I use RAP to fill a
    TppVariable with it (single lines only!)

    Chris Ueberall;

  • edited August 2001
    That reply is as ambiguous as the help files. What is RAP? Are you saying
    that you can only print a single Line? If this is so then what good is
    having a memo field?

  • edited August 2001
    Hi Gary,

    Ambiguous? In what case?

    Sorry, but I thought that this acronym should be known to a ReportBuilder
    user, for further information you may look into the tech-tip section there
    is a RAP thread, explaining RAP in short (or look into the other
    documentation shipped with RB).


    Sorry, but I miss the point here.

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited August 2001
    RB 6.01 has new support for printing memos to report emulation text file.
    The problem with printing memos to file, is somehow figuring out how to map
    the printed page to the file. A file has a fixed character grid to print
    on. If you use a font like Courier New 10 pt, and generate a memo in the
    report, then you should be able to have the memo print to the report
    emulation text file. See demo #107 in the main reports demo project in your
    installation of RB, which has been carefully tailored to map dbTexts to the
    report emulation text file's character grid.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2001
    Thank You Jim. I will look into this.


  • edited August 2001
    Hi Chris,

    You shouldn't assume a person is knowledgeable of ReportBuilder simply
    because they are a User. I happen to know that Kara is a beginner and is
    struggling with this print problem. I, myself, have only written three
    applications that require printing and those compared to this one are pretty
    straight forward.

    But while I have you here, this is the problem we are trying to get past.
    We are trying to create a report that has three types of information on it.
    One type is Demographic the next is Contacts and finally (the problem)
    Service area. Writing the Service Area data to a Memo component is one
    method she is trying.

    We are using subreports for the three elements. The problem with the
    Service Area is that it is a columnar report the can have any number of
    columns (States) and each column can have any number of details(Counties
    within the State).

    Currently the report reads like this:
    State State State
    County County County
    County County County
    County County County
    County County County
    County County County
    County County County

    We would like it to read:
    County County County County County County

    County County County County County County

    County County County County County County

    Any thoughts?


  • edited August 2001
    Please, feel free to start a new thread if you have a new question. This
    makes it easier for others to browse through each new thread, when they're
    just looking for some information, when they only look at the first thread's

    What you could use is set the DetailBand.ColumnTraversal property. However,
    we found a bug in the current version relating to left to right traversal in
    columnar subreports. If you are using RB 5.56, then you should have no


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2001
    When did version 6.01 come out? I just received version 6.0 on July 30,

  • edited August 2001
    We forgot to update the announcements newsgroup. Sorry, about that. 6.01
    was released on the 29th, you should have 6.01 if you downloaded on the
    30th. If you go into the Help | About in the report designer, you can see
    which version you have installed, or check the release notes. Contact
    info@digital-metaphors.com if you need the 6.01 version. Once again, it's
    still a free upgrade. If you didn't receieve the 6.01 email notification,
    then email info@ with your correct email address as well.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2001
    Thanks Jim. I did

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