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Dot Matrix Printer problem

edited September 2001 in General

Hello All:

We use ReportBuilder 6.01/Delphi 5.01 and have a printing problem.

We just upgraded to RB6.01/Delphi 5.01 from RB 3.52/Delphi 3.02. Since
upgrading, our test customer is reporting a problem. Their Epson LQ2180
printer will advance the paper correctly the first time a report is printed.
Once a report is printed, the Epson advances the next paper too little in
the printer. It is as if the software is messing with the printers advance

The problem can be solved by simply turning the printer off, then back

The problem appears to occur only on reports printed from a .rtm file.
When we print reports embedded in the .exe, there is not a problem.

We wonder if the use of custom paper sizes might be causing the problem.
We generally set the papersize 2 inches longer than the margins+detail band
( no header or footer band exist ). We allow the customer to increase the
margins to tune report printing to their printers specific advance.

Can anybody offer us any insight or suggest how we could address this
issue ???

Thank you.

Neil Huhta
Profit Monster Data Systems LLC

Our reports are stored in .rtm files. Using an E


  • edited September 2001
    After the templates are loaded into the report, is the page size the same as
    the reports that are on forms?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2001
    No. The pagesize is different in the template reports. We added a 2 inch
    buffer to allow for margin settings in the pagesize. Previously the pagesize
    may have had alot larger buffer.

    Neil Huhta
  • edited September 2001
    The buffer seems suspicious, in that your custom page size is somehow
    affecting where the printer thinks it should start printing. The
    differences between RB3 and RB6 is large. The best way to control how a
    report prints to a dot-matrix is to print the report to a report emulation
    text file, and the send the text file to the printer.

    Tech Tip: Send TextFile to Printer

    I designed a application that exports the report to a .txt
    file using ReportTextFile device.

    How can I Send the text file to the printer?

    The following procedure will send the .txt file to
    the printer using Delphi's TPrinter object.


    procedure SendTextFileToPrinter(aFileName: String);
    lsLines: TStringList;
    lOutputFile: TextFile;
    liIndex: Integer;

    lsLines := TStringList.Create;



    for liIndex := 0 to lsLines.Count-1 do
    Writeln(lOutputFile, lsLines[liIndex]);





    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2001

    We need to maintain precise control over what is printed where on the
    form. Does this solution require adherance to the 1/6 inch incremental rule

    If so, I'd have to redesign our whole business and that seems to be
    unrealistic. I'll play with this some more. It would take a year to convert
    all of our custom reports if they had to be converted. If not, please
    elaborate more.

    Neil Huhta
    Profit Monster Data Systems LLC
  • edited September 2001
    Converting the reports is a last resort, since it is only giving you a
    problem on one printer. Is it possible to change the paper size until the
    report prints correctly on subsequent prints, or would that ruin how it
    prints on all other printers? What if you use the generic text printer
    driver instead of the Epson driver, as a test?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2001

    I dont know what the problem is - it may be a logic board problem on the
    printer itself. We will play with it and solve the problem. Version 6.01
    really rocks.

    Neil Huhta
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