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Region not shifting relative to

edited September 2001 in General
Hope someone can help me with this one; I'm rather tearing my hair out
over it.

I have 4 sabels (static) contained within a Region (located in detail
band). The region is set to shift relative to a RichText (stretch =
true) directly above it. Directly beneath this Region is a subreport
that in turn is set to shift relative to the Region in question.
Here's what happens: the SubReport shifts faithfully to the Region
(which is set to shift relative to the above RichText), but the Labels
within the Region stay exactly where they are. In other words, the
Labels do not seem to be truly contained within the Region. The online
help explicitly states that what I'm doing is totally and simply
within reason; that's one of the more basic and usable functions of a
Region...to contain static objects and shift them relative to an above
stretching object. Is there a flaw in my thinking? Is there a problem
with Regions that I'm unaware of? I sure could use some sage wisdom on
this delimma. By the way, this problem exists in both RB ver. 6.01 as
well as 6.02 which I just updated to.

Hope someone can help,


  • edited September 2001
    Make sure the labels are contained in the region by grabbing the region and
    moving it in the designer. The labels should be dragged around as the region
    moves. I created a simple report with a stretching dbRichText above a
    static region which was above a subreport. The shifting worked in this
    report. Send a demo to support@digital-metaphors.com if you can reproduce
    this behavior -we'll certainly take a look at it to verify if it is an


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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