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DADE not showing tables in Advantage

edited September 2001 in General
Hello all...

I'm using RB 6.02 Professional, Advantage TDataset 6.11 and Delphi 5.01. I
have been using RB for a long time but this is my first opportunity to use
DADE and End-User reporting.

I have installed rbAds55.xxx in the Delphi IDE and have added the correct
units in the "Uses" clause. I do get AdsConnection and everything is in
place and operating as it should be in both the Report and the Report
Explorer. My end user report comes up and I can see the "Data" tab. If I
click "New" I do see the Query Wizard and the Query Designer however when I
continue with either of these utilities I do not see any tables. I am not
using the Data Dictionary as it was my understanding that this was optional.
I prefer not to use it because of the number of tables and fields involved.

I can build reports with no problem (the DBPipelines show up properly in the
Report itself) but I cannot access tables/fields in the Query
Wizard/Designer. My end users will need to filter dates, etc. in their
reports but I cannot see how they will be able to do it without using the
Query utilities.

What might I be doing wrong such that the tables are not showing in the
Query Wizard or Designer? For further information, the report has one master
table and 12 child tables which all link separately to the master (i.e.,
only one level of child tables). I have looked at and compiled all the End
User demos as well as read and re-read the RBDeveloper PDF file. I have
searched this NG and I still cannot figure out what's wrong.

End User reporting seems to be VERY powerful and works great! My hat is off
to Digital Metaphors!! Now, if I can only build a Data Template I will be

Thanks in advance for any help...

Jan Ferguson
Data Software Solutions, Inc.


  • edited October 2001
    Advantage 6.11 was just released and we haven't tested with it yet. Are you
    using the Advantage datadictionary? This is a new feature they have. We need
    to test with 6.11 before we'll have any definite answers. Thankyou, for
    your patience.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    Use the AliasName instead of a path on the Advantage database component. The
    current DADE plugin is currently limited in this regard.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001

    I do use the AliasName and I am using the Data Dictionary in Advantage.
    Actually the Data Dictionary has been in use since v6.0 but it is now more
    stable under v6.11.

    Thanks for your input on this.If you need anything else on this to help
    yhou...let me know.

    Jan Ferguson
    Data Software Solutions, Inc.

  • edited October 2001
    You say that our end user demos are working on your machine, so there must
    be a configuration problem. Check the DataSettings property on the Report
    Designer component. This is how DADE knows where to find the database.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001

    I've checked, re-checked and double-checked and everything appears to be
    correct. I have integrated the ReportExplorer and as such am now also using
    the RB Data Dictionary. That is working perfectly also.

    I've checked the DataSettings properties on the Report Designer component. I
    am using ADSSession, the correct Alias (I have also tried it using the
    Advantage Database Connection value), the RB Data Dictionary value and have
    indicated "TRUE" to using the Data Dictionary. All to no avail. I still
    cannot see table/field values in the Query Wizard/Designer.

    I've even tried the rbTable and rbField databases (as far as the
    DataSettings) to see if they would show the tables/fields but again to no

    Could it be due to the use of Advantage Data Dictionary? Maybe RB is looking
    for "free tables" as compared to tables in a Data Dictionary.

    I have a little time left before I deploy this app at the end of November
    but I'd sure like to get this figured out as it's driving me nuts!!


  • edited October 2001
    Try disabling the Advantage DataDictionary.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    I thought about doing that but I have 87 tables in the Advantage Data
    Dictionary. I would have to unencrypt each table, free the table from the
    Dictionary and change some code in my application to disable the Advantage
    Data Dictionary.

    I was hoping that I could try something else before I went to that extent.
    It may come down to that though.


  • edited October 2001

    I tried some other things with "free tables" (not in the Advantage Data
    Dictionary) and the Query Builder, etc. in RB worked fine. Now I am certain
    that the problem is the ADS Data Dictionary. (currently using version 6.11)

    The strange part is that although I can't "generate" the tables from my
    database connection, it will generate the fields properly after I have added
    the tables manually. Unfortunately, even though I add the tables manually in
    RB's Data Dictionary, it does not show under the Data tab.

    Where do we go next with this? Is RB looking at updating the Advantage DADE
    Plug-In or do we have to wait for some Advantage user (who has the knowledge
    and ability) to do this? I will be putting this product out to beta the
    middle of November and I would like to include this option. Unfortunately,
    because of the RI cascading updates and cascading deletes in the ADS Data
    Dictionary, I can't go without using it. The deletes are no problem but with
    the number of child tables, cascading updates are a real pain!!

    Please give me some good news....!

    Jan Ferguson
    Data Software Solutions, Inc.

  • edited October 2001
    We are aware that there are issues with the Advantage DataDictionary and RB.
    We aren't currently supporting it in the DADE plug-in. Sorry, but we have
    no immediate plans for upgrading the plug-in at this time.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2001
    I'm really sorry to hear that.

This discussion has been closed.