We don't have any example reports published on our website. Most of our examples show techniques to achieve a result. We have a few examples which are custom coded examples which you'll see us refer to from time to time in our 'secret' tips directory from the website. We'll code an example and tell someone to download it from there, instead of trying to email it to them. However, they aren't maintained regularly and we haven't organized them into categories. It's on the todo list. There is no description for them as well, its all code.
examples show techniques to achieve a result. We have a few examples which
are custom coded examples which you'll see us refer to from time to time in
our 'secret' tips directory from the website. We'll code an example and tell
someone to download it from there, instead of trying to email it to them.
However, they aren't maintained regularly and we haven't organized them into
categories. It's on the todo list. There is no description for them as
well, its all code.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors