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TeeChart Server Problem

edited January 2004 in Server
I'm struggling with some severe errors using the TeeChart component.
I've opened a call/item in the general group on it but can't create a second
environment to reproduce the problem.
But, as in the new environment, with a small test db it seems to work at
this moment i wanted to recompile my server (meanwhile i've switched from
tee 5.02 to 6.xx).
This is the error i'm getting while recompiling the server.
Obviously there is something wrong in my delphi config.
Any suggestions where to start looking, i did reinstall completelly delphi,
even with over 15 add-on products on it, twice.

[Fatal Error] sfrmMain.pas(12): Unit Chart was compiled with a different
version of System.RTLVersion



  • edited February 2004
    When trying to recompile the ReportBuilder TeeChart Components i'm getting
    this error

    [Fatal Error] rbTC76.dpk(35): Never-build package 'tee66' must be recompiled

    I did not buy TeeChart 6.02 with sources !
    Any suggestions ??

  • edited February 2004

    Try compiling a Delphi application that uses TeeChart but not ReportBuilder.
    I think this is a TeeChart issue.

    This error indicates that TeeChart was compiled with a different version of
    Delphi than what you are using. Perhaps you have Delphi service packs
    installed and TeeChart was compiled with older .dcu's (or vice versa).

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004
    This all wasn't a problem, i'll be honest, after deinstalling delphi twice,
    reinstall everything, install the newest RTL version for delphi 6 from the
    borland site.
    Rebuild the Rb Teechart's (as described in the manuals) all of a sudden it
    Although, the second time i did the same as the frist time (i thought so) it
    So i can't say why it started working ............
    Dangerous solution but the result is OK

  • edited February 2004
    Ok, again the same problem,

    I've created a SFX that i will mail to the support, with the explaination on
    what i'm doing, and what is happening.

  • edited February 2004
    Nard, could you let me know if my example crashes at your office too ?

    It would be a huge satisfaction to me that you could reproduce the problem,
    of course, if it does i'm sorry to put you to work.
    I'm searching for 5 days on this problem, you can imagine how frustrated i
  • edited February 2004

    What is the status on this issue, i'm not pushing for a solution but just
    want to know if my code crashes at your office too ?

    Could you please let me know, i'm waiting for several days already an
    getting quite desperate. Our delivery date is getting closer and closer.

    I need to know something on the TeeChart problem. If you have the same i
    know a solution will be found, maybe not before my deliverable but i could
    start without Charts, that's not the problem. If you can't simulate the
    problem i'm giving up and will look for another solution for my Chart-based

    Thx for ANY news.
  • edited February 2004

    Sorry, have not yet had the opportunity to look into this issue. What is the
    exact TeeChart version you are using? TeeChart 6.0 or TeeChart 6.01? I will
    have to duplicate your environment.

    In your posting you mention TeeChart 6.02, but 6.01 is that latest release
    that I am aware of - is there a 6.02?

    If we find something that does not mean that we can fix it, because the
    issue may be caused by TeeChart itself. There are currently some kown issues
    with TeeChart related to using a Series that references another series.
    TeeChart does not internally manage object references properly. The errors
    only show up when the Owner and Parent differ - which is the case for a
    Chart used within an RB report.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004
    Thx for the news.

    If its TeeChart, are there alternatives ??
  • edited February 2004

    Place the TeeChart on a form and then export the chart as a WMF. Then use
    RB's TppImage to render the chart image in the report.

    I'm not aware of any other alternatives...

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004
    Nard, you have some more news ????
  • edited February 2004
    Sorry it has taken awhile to look at this.

    To get TeeChart 6.01 working with ReportBuilder for Delphi 6, I had to apply
    Borland Update 3.

    Your example uses SQL Server, I converted it to work with MS Access.

    I do not have a table named territories - therefore I cannot preview.

    I was able to save the report and quit out of Delphi.

    Please note that the design-time report designer cannot properly save data
    to the rbItems table. You need to use the EndUser solution with the
    ReportExplorer to do that.

    I need a runtime example. I cannot debug anything at Delphi design-time.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004

    You asked me to provide a demo with NorthWind, that is a SqlServer database
    as far as i know. I'm going to look in the company for a Access license, i
    never had the thing installed.

    The RBItems, i'm just using the table and the RBFolder table to 'nicelly'
    structure my reports, there is no end-user reporting with it. We just
    'create' a record by saving a new report, and that, manually we fill in the
    folder number, size and type flags.

    Ok, i've got a bit further. Installed Access, while copying my demo to the
    Access - Northwind i've seen some special things !

    First everything worked fine, i was sad about the working but than .....

    Even in DADE, when composing a wrong query, first i had the Order Details
    with dade in this select

    SELECT Order_Details.ProductID,

    SUM(Order_Details.Quantity) AS SUM_Order_Details_Quantit

    FROM [Order Details] Order_Details

    GROUP BY Order_Details.ProductID

    then, i made a mistake (to many rows in my report) and wanted to change so
    that i only has quantities over a 1000, but i selected the wrong field, i
    had the SUM(Ord....) > 1000

    SELECT Order_Details.ProductID,

    SUM(Order_Details.Quantity) AS SUM_Order_Details_Quantit

    FROM [Order Details] Order_Details

    WHERE ( SUM(Order_Details.Quantity) > 1000 )

    GROUP BY Order_Details.ProductID

    RB Started complaining about the query (what's normal).

    I took out the SUM(ORDER...) from the calc's ......

    SELECT Order_Details.ProductID

    FROM [Order Details] Order_Details

    WHERE ( SUM(Order_Details.Quantity) > 1000 )

    Still not a working query (what's normal), i took out the search

    Crash on RTL60.bpl

    Honestly, i suppose that the problem is somewhere there you know, is has to
    do with this RTL. Is it a problem that i had some modules/packages of RB
    recompiled with RTL3 (The TeeChart's) and the other still 'as delivered' ??

    Should i completelly rebuild ???

    RTL3 was installed on a D6 Enterprise with first the update pack 2 and the
    RTL2, than i did TeeChart 6.01 and than only RBServer.

    Kind Regards
  • edited February 2004

    1. Sorry about the miscommunication with NorthWinds. Historically, SQL
    Server included 'Pubs' and Access included NorthWinds as sample databases.
    Later MS starting including a version of NorthWinds with SQL Server as well.
    I was looking for an example with MS Access.

    2. I tried to build the same query. It is not ReportBuilder that is
    complaining, it is the Access database engine. I received an error that an
    aggregrate sum expression cannot be included in the Where clause.
    ReportBuilder is building the SQL statement, submitting it to the database
    and then receiving an error, which it displays to the user.

    3. In researching this TeeChart issue I became aware of just how many
    updates have been issued for Delphi 6. There are actually multiple Update
    pack 2's. An RTL update and another update that applies to other units. I
    recall that update pack 2 alot of ReportBuilder code related to using
    Variants. We recoded things and required our customers using Delphi 6 to
    apply the update pack prior to installing ReportBuilder. I guess that the
    update 3 tries to fix the mistakes made in update 2. What a mess. :)

    Honsetly, if I were you I would consider updating to Delphi 7. With Delphi
    7, TeeChart 6.01 can be compiled and installed without all of this mess.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004

    Thx for the reply, i will look into it if the switch to D7 is possible, as
    we have quite some add-on products this is a quite expensive change. The
    price wouldn't even be the problem, i must look if all products still exists
    for D7.

    I'll keep you informed.

    (I must respond to the main item) i don't known why but from time to time
    when trying to reply Outlook says that the newsgroupo can't be resolved.
    Totally out of this group, but if anybody knows wky this happens, feel free
    to tip me.

  • edited February 2004
    Just went looking for the licences, now there is even a Delphi 8.
    I've missed some years i'm afraid, should i take the 8 now or still the 7.
  • edited February 2004

    I think Borland may be including Delphi 7 when you purchase Delphi 8.

    You need Delphi 7 to produce native Windows applications.

    Delphi 8 can produce .Net applications only. We are currently working on
    ReporBuilder for Delphi 8. But are focusing first on the ReportBuilder
    Enterprise level of functionality. The Server classes will have to be ported
    as a second step.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.