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WebTier demo working problem

edited February 2004 in Server

I have compiled "rbMSAccessReportServer.exe" which I use as report server
service (set both connections to look in same database where rb tables and
data reside) -OK!

I have compiled and installed ISAPI demo-OK!

I have modified my EUR demo so I remove out all events (defined in report
template file, for now-I do not know what to do)-OK!

I run my IE with: " ( the same
structure is shown as in EUR from Report Builder)-OK

I run that modified report (fill some search fields)-OK

When I click Search I get following error:
"Server Error: Processing request for report Report Explorer Database\IM\ IM
temp Data Error: TdaSession.GetDatabaseForName: No TADOConnection object
found for specified name euDatabase separate database connection is required
for each thread "

I haven't changed anything in your demo....what is wrong?

"euDatabase" is the name of connection which is placed in other program
(Original Delphi modul modified from "EndUser.exe" which is placed in
"$(DELPHI)\demos\rbuilder\3. EndUser\1. Report Explorer"). I have no idea
what has that program (which was connected at same time to database) with
rbWebTier module...Strange!
Help please,



  • edited February 2004
    I have found out that in my report template was declaration:
    object daSQL1: TdaSQL
    CollationType = ctASCII
    DatabaseName = 'euDatabase'
    DatabaseType = dtMSAccess
    so it refer to database name from Report Builder EU!

    So please what steps should be made to translate ReportBuilder EUExplorer to
    ReportServer EUExplorer (ISAPI based).

  • edited February 2004

    Your reports will require a thread-safe connection to the database. Add a
    Database connection object named euDatabase and a Session object. For
    examples see RBServer\Demos\Servers\03. Explorer Databases for examples.

    In the RBServer\Developers Guide and the RBServer.hlp it is explained that
    the DataModule that contains the ReportVolume component acts as thread-safe
    container for the Report. There will be one instance created on the server
    for each report that executes. The instance will be created for a thread and
    destroyed when the report session ends.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004

    THX for your answer.

    Is that meant even in a case that I use TAdoConnection and not TDatabase.

    I have used your demo "rbMSAccessReportServer.dpr" and changed conections
    values to my database. That is all.
    Now I do not get it-what has TDatabase with that? Or have?

    Please make one more reply.


    Benjaimin Vadas

  • edited February 2004
    If you use ADO connectivity then you need to have a TADOConnection component
    on the DataModule that contains the ReportVolume. Set ADOConnection.Name to
    euDatabase - the name that is stored in your templates.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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