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Extensions to rbItem table

edited February 2004 in Server

RB 7.03, Delphi 7 EE, Windows 2k SP4, euDatabase stored in database (MS
Access 2000)

We are proud users of rReport Builder End user Report solution. I have made
some extensions to my rbItem table for which I think there might be more
interest for othere users:
1) "TemplatePicture" (OLE object or BLOB), preview screenshoot of one page
of report, so user can easy see if that is what he need
2) "EstimatedTime" (VARCHAR 100)-how long does user need to wait to get some
result (I.e. 3-6 minutes for whole year-all groups, Quick, 1-3 minutes for
each subsidary...etc)
3) "Description" (VARCHAR 255)-which is the purpose of this report...how to
interprate results of report-short description
All that is supported (editing and showing in application) in classic
ReportBuilder Delphi application. Is there any chance to put support for
that in ReportServer? If not how to add such a thing in RS?

Another problem, which is even bigger (!!), is that in my rbItem I have some
other fields which determine some startup behaviour of chosen report:
4) Can user start that report (if he is ordinarry user he/she cannot see
some Crosstab data, but manager or someother more power user can...)
5) If he can start what Search fields should be filled automatically (let
say that his/hers subsidary num_id is filled automatically...).
6) If search fields are filled automatically with some values, which of them
user can change (let say that one subsidary can see only its own data, but
manager can see all subsidaries and change that search field ...)
This is done through "Set EndUser Autosearch Values" demos, as you have
suggest. As far as I can see now in RS is not possible to implement any
event outside the report template (...or to say normally it should be done
only through report designer or RAP). This mean that I need to read some
adittional fields from rbItem (which could be dome only by recodding source,
which is right now missing) and how to send some init params and create
search dialog in some modified way then "normal" web tier ISAP demo.
Is that possible to implement is report server? This is very important part
of descision to move to RS, so please give us a hint.

This is my whish list....



  • edited February 2004

    1-3. These extra fields are not going to be supported by the web Report
    Explorer. It is not customizeable at this time.

    4-6. See the RBuilder\Demos\WebTier\Custom Parameters and
    RBuilder\Demos\Servers\Custom Parameters. These examples work together. Each
    example includes commented code and a ReadMe.doc. On the report server side
    the ReportVolume events can be used to initialize the report prior to
    running it. There is a BeforePublishReport event that passes and EventParams
    objects. See the RBServer help for the ReportVolume events and the
    properties of EventParams.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004
    It would be very nice improvements and eventhought "bandwith saver" for
    users that do not know what report to run....

  • edited February 2004

    You can add this functionality by building an alternative front end to the
    reports. One approach might be to implement this using the custom parameters
    feature shown in the RBuilder\Demos\WebTier\Custom Parameters demo.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.