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Summary band position

edited October 2001 in General
How does RB decide if the summary band fits on the last page ?

For example:

a) with a paper size of 11", a summary band height of 4",
a bottom margin of 0.5" and without a footerband the biggest
print position of the summary band can be set to 11" - 4" - 0.5" = 6.5".

b) But with a footerband of 0.5" height, even if footerband.printonlastpage
is set to false, the summaryband print position can only be set to
11" - 4" -0.5" - 0.5" = 6"; that means the height of the footerband is
taken into calculation even if printonlastpage is set to false.

Is that true ?

Albert Kessler


  • edited October 2001
    Looks like this is true. When the summary band goes to print, there is no
    check to see if the footerband is set toPrintOnLastPage. The footer band is
    removed by removing its draw command fromthe last page when PrintOnLastPage
    is false. If this is the case, then the summary band may not print on the
    page, when it actually has room to fit if the footer doesn't print on the
    last page. The problem is, the report doesn't know what the last page is,
    until the summary band has finished generating. The summary abdn may be
    dynamic height, in which case, it is difficult to determine that the report
    is on the last page or not. If the summary band is static height, then we
    can look into adding this check into the engine. Thank's for reporting the

    What you may be able to do in the meantime, is in the Summaryband's
    BeforePrint event, set the footer band's visbility to false. This should
    cause the summary band to generate over the non appearing footerband, since
    the footeband will not be included in the available space calculation.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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