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International Date Formats - AutoSearch dialog in WebTier

edited March 2004 in Server
Hi Nard

I see from other posts that you have made some 'fixes' available for this to
other customers. Is there any standard way to solve this? I need
dd/mm/yyyy (or sometimes dd/mmm/yyyy) on most clients (in the UK), and then
mm/dd/yyyy on some others (in the US).

Hoping you can help



Stuart Seath
Seath Computer Services


  • edited March 2004

    This topic is discussed a few threads up see 'Javascript ISAPI web tier demo
    problem with dates'.

    There are two RBServer units that contain javascript that you will have to
    modify. There is a script for Validation and a script for Marshalling (i.e.
    converting the date entered by the user into a standard dated that can be
    processed by the WebTier.)

    Please send a request to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can send you
    the units that must be modified.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2005
    I have the required pas files. You dont go into any detail on which
    methods need to be altered or what needs to be changed. Could you please
    elaberate on what changes needs to be done and where, to change the the
    format tp dd/mm/yyyy please.

    Dean Watkins

  • edited August 2005

    1. TrsWebJavaScriptSearchValidation

    This class contains methods that generate Javascript functions that validate
    search parameter values entered by users. The Javascript code runs on the
    web browser. If you run your web tier and view a search form in your web
    browser, you can see the Javascript functions that are generated.

    These are relevant to date and datetime data types.

    - IsDateFunction
    - IsDateTimeFunction

    2. TrsWebJavaScriptSearchMarshalling

    This class contains methods that generate Javascript functions that convert
    the search parameter value entered by the user to a string format that is
    sent to Delphi WebTier. In other words a Javascript Date and a Delphi Date
    are not the same. So you need to convert the Javascript date to a string and
    then have Delphi code to take that string and convert to a TDateTime

    This is the relevant method

    - ConvertDateTimeFunction

    3. TrsWebSearchFieldsPopulator

    Contains methods that convert the search parameter values to/from the
    WebForm/Javascript values.

    These are the relevant methods

    - UnMarshallValue
    - MarshalledStringToDateTime

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Has anyone made the changes for a dd/mm/yyyy format to these file? If you
    have could you post the changes here please.

    Dean Watkins

  • edited April 2008

    The topic below is now over 4 years old, but the MM/DD/YYYY issue still
    remains in RB Server 10.07. Are there any plans to sort this out in a
    standard release or is it still down to individuals needing to make changes
    to the Javascript in .pas files?


  • edited April 2008

    Plans are for RB 11 to include improved date format handling for the

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.