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Cannot run report

edited August 2004 in Server
I am trying to get a rb server isapi dll to generate a report for me. I
have created the app server and the isapi dll according to the existing
examples. I have also created a SQL database with the correct tables etc.
When I run the report explorer I get a tree view and a list of reports.
When I click a report I get the error message:

Server Error: Processing request for report Report Explorer Database\My new
reports\Activity Accounting\Activity absorption report
ReportLoadFromDatabase Error: Record not found: Activity
absorption report

I does not matter what report I try to run, it gives the same error
message. If it can list the reports it must be able to find them in the
database, right?

I have designed the database using the report component in the application
server, so they should be correct. They are very simple without any
parameters etc.

What am I doing wrong?


  • edited August 2004

    This error indicates that the server is trying to load the specified report,
    but cannot find the record in the dataset.

    Sounds like the logic that reads the rbItems and rbFolders table is able to
    properly build the directory. However, there is different logic that loads a
    specified report. (We have not had any other reports of this issue.)

    1. This error has nothing to do with the ISAPI.dll. For now, try testing
    with a standard client application, such as the one installed to
    RBServer\Demos\Clients\Client Explorer. That should raise the same error and
    might make testing a little easier.

    2. Check out the example installed to RBServer\Demos\Servers\02. Volume
    Types\04. Reports in an Explorer Database. Try running this example and make
    sure that you can get it working properly. Then examine the configuration
    and try to determine whether there are differences between the example and
    your own server application.

    3. Modify the library path from RBuilder\Lib to RBuilder\Source and rebuild
    your server project. Run the app and use the Delphi debugger to break on
    ppTmplat.pas, the method TppTemplate.LoadFromSource.

    4. You say, " I have designed the database using the report component in the
    server". The application server should not contain any TppReport components.
    The report instance is created internally by the ReportExplorer Volume at

    5. If you would like to create a simple example that raises the error, you
    can email in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can run it
    here in the Delphi debugger.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004

    Thanks for you quick reply. I want to try to debug right away. I moved the
    source directory above the lib directories under library path, but when
    building I get the following error message:

    [Fatal Error] rbReportApplication.dpr(6): Unit rsExceptions was compiled
    with a different version of ppTypes.ciAltBaseNumber

    What's this?

    The only reason I have a report component on the server side is so I can
    design a report and save it to the database. I have tried removing it but
    it does still not work.


  • edited August 2004

    That error indicates that the interface section of the source unit has been
    modified. If you modify the interface section of any units that are 'used'
    by the server units, then the server .dcu's will no longer be valid.

    If you have intentionally modified any units, try re-installing
    ReportBuilder Server Edition. Then double-check your Delphi library path.
    Make sure you do not have any old ReportBuilder .pas or .dcu files anywhere
    on the machine.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    I have removed and reinstalled RBServer and have not modified any source. I
    have searched for any other dcu but have not found any. I tried to compile
    directly after reinstalling but without any luck.

  • edited August 2004

    What version of Delphi are you using? What version of ReportBuilder - RB
    7.04 is the latest.

    On my tech support machine, I have RB 7.04 Server Edition for D6 and D7 and
    can compile with the RBuilder\Source in the library path. I'll test it again
    once you respond to this post.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    Delphi 7 and RB 7.04 Server trial.

  • edited August 2004

    Ok, now I understand why you cannot compile.

    ReportBuilder Server Trial Edition installs two trial products: RB Server
    Trial and RB Enterprise Trial. Neither of these contain any source code.

    If you have RB Source code on your machine, it was installed by a registered
    version of RB, which is not compatible with the Server Trial Edition.

    So that mystery is solved, but we need to get your report working properly
    within the context of the RB Server App. Can you create a simple example
    that demontrates what you are doing, use only RB Server Trial and standard
    Delphi components. Email it in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com
    and we can check it out here and get it working.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004

    Well, we have bought the Enterprise Edition of RB (7.04) so we have that
    with source. However if I install RB server trial after enterprise, it
    removes the source directory for some reason. How should I install to
    get this to work and be able to debug? The trials don't come with any
    source. Shouldn't Enterprise 7.04 work with a server trial?


  • edited August 2004

    Ok, glad to hear you have the report working.

    FYI, the Server Trial Edition installs a trial version of RB Enterprise -
    that is the only version of RB Enterprise that it will work with. It will
    not work with the RB Enterprise registered version or source code.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004

    I got it working now. It was a dumbass mistake on my part. I had the wrong
    columnname in the ReportExplorerVolume component on the server.

    Thanks for your help

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