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ADO Connection

edited July 2005 in Server

I did a very simple server ReportExplorer ADO app, using D7. When I put
a TrsServer component in the form, the ADOConnection went to nil in run-
time. The rsReportExplorer.FolderPipeline went to nil, too. If I delete
the TrsServer comp, it doesn't happens.

What's happening ?

Thanks in advance,

Mauro Assis

--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited July 2005

    There are examples of using ADO installed to

    RBServer\Demos\Servers\03. Explorer Databases\MS Access
    RBServer\Demos\Servers\03. Explorer Databases\MS SQL Server

    Note that in the examples and Developers Guide tutorials, the TrsServer
    component belongs on the main form - by itself. The ReportVolume components
    go on a separate DataModule and you put the ADOConnection component there.
    It should have the same name that you used to create your reports.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2005
    I just openned the MSSQLServer demo and save it with another name,
    changing the properties to apropriated in my enviroment.

    I'd like to let the user to change de StringConnection in run-time, if
    he wish. So, I put a button that desactivate the rsServer and open the
    ConnectionString ADO form. However, if I try to access any property of
    my connection objects, I get an AV (the connection obj = nil, if I never
    started the rsServer before, or an invalid address if I did it). But the
    server is working fine, despite the crazy connection behavior.

    If I delete rsServer component, the ConnectionString changes ok, but
    obviously the server doesn't works.

    Thanks again,

    Mauro Assis

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited July 2005

    In the example, there is a datamodule called dmVolume.pas that contains the
    ReportVolume and ADOConnection components. The purpose of the datamodule is
    to provide a thread-safe container in which a single report can execute on
    the server.

    Instances of dmVolume.pas are created in response to client requests to
    execute a specific report. Multiple reports and thus multiple instances can
    exist at any given point in time. (You might be confused by the instance
    that is created in the AutoCreate list of the project. This instance is
    free'd shortly after startup - it is used to register the volume the

    If you need to modify the ADOConnection string, then you need to put the
    code in the DataModule. Perhaps use the DataModule.OnCreate event for the
    simplest solution.

    Another option would be to add a SessionParameter to the server. You can add
    custom code to require the client to specify sesssion parameters (i.e. login
    form). Then use the ReportVolume events to access the session parameter
    values. I think an event such as OnAuthenticateDirectoryAccess occurs prior
    to the ADOConnection being set to active.

    Here is more information about defining and using custom parameters..

    Tech Tips: RB Server and Custom Parameters

    The RBServer Custom Parameter demos show how to define custom session and
    report level parameters that can be used to implement security and other
    types of custom processing.

    The are three projects that work together. Each project includes a
    ReadMe.doc and commented code.

    1. RBServer\Demos\Servers\Custom Parameters
    2. RBServer\Demos\WebTier\Custom Parameters
    3. RBServer\Demos\Clients\Custom Parameters

    The demos include examples of how to...

    1. Define Custom Session parameters.

    A custom login form is displayed. Based upon the login, the catalog of
    reports available to the user is filtered.

    2. Define Custom Report parameters

    A custom parameter form is displayed. The parameters are used by the report.

    3. Custom AutoSearch form

    A custom autosearch form is displayed. The parameter values are used by the
    autosearch criteria.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2005

    Thanks about your always valuable help !


    Mauro Assis

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
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