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Canvas does not allow drawing

edited August 2005 in Server

Im an ISAPI app, I can navigate in folders and preview the reports.
However, if I click Print button, the first time I get the
message: "Canvas does not allow drawing".

After that, if I click Print again I get the Adobe message: "There's no
page to show", or something like that.

It happens if I'm acessing localhost. When I access www.digital-
metaphors.com demo, it works fine.

There's no window oppened in my machine, just the browser and the Report

I'm using Windows XP, Delphi 7.0 & RB 9.02.


Mauro Assis

--- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com


  • edited August 2005

    That error indicates that valid printer driver cannot be found.

    Does the error occur only when generating to PDF?

    There is a patches available for RB 9.02 PDF export. If you need this, send
    an email to support@digital-metaphors.com.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    To complete:

    I'm using Digital Metaphors PDF engine.



    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited August 2005
    Yes, only when I click in Print button and it generates the PDF.


    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
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