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Zooming Report With TeeChart On

edited August 2005 in Server

Does anyone know of any issues with zooming into a report that has an image
of a TeeChart chart on?

I can zoom in and out of a text based report within the web viewer, but if I
zoom the report that has a TeeChart image on it, I get an access violation
within my webtier

I was not aware that the viewer requests the data again from the webtier?




  • edited August 2005

    I just tried a simple text. I created a report that generates a chart from
    the customer DBDemos date. I can preview and zomm without encountering any
    errors. Try the same test and then try to make a report using the demo
    server that demonstrates the error.

    I tested using RB 9.02 and TeeChart 7.04.

    The web report viewer has to re-request the page from the WebTier. (The web
    browser has only an XHTML page and it has no way to scale it on its own.)

    The WebTier incrementally caches the TppPage objects in the web cache for
    the report session. When the request is received it can read the Page from
    its cache and generate a scaled XHTML that is sent to the browser. Thus it
    does not have to request the page from the backend report server.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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