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Unable To Connect To Server

edited September 2005 in Server

When I try to run my reports through a web browser, I am getting cannot
connect to server error

I have set a virtual directory up on the machine that is hosting my server
called reports. This points to the webtier. the report server is running
on the machine. For some reason its not looking for the report server to be
running on my server computer, but on my own machine. When I start the
server on my own machine it works

Any ideas?




  • edited September 2005

    The Report Server application can run on the same machine or on separate
    machine from the WebTier application.

    1. The TrsWebTier.ServerConnection property is used to specify the
    connection to the report server.

    2. When TrsWebTier.ServerConnection.IniSettings.Enabled is set to true, then
    the settings will be loaded from an .ini file.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2005
    Hi Nard

    Is the address a machine name? I put a machine name in the address field
    and I still get the Server not found message

    The setup I have is a webserver that has my website on it as well as the
    webtier and server application. When I go to the site on this machine from
    my own machine I get the server cannot be found error even though it is
    running on the web server.

    If I start the server application on my machine and try again, it works fine

    Any rapid help you can offer would be appreciated



  • edited September 2005

    The address is an IP address or a domain name that can be resolved to an IP
    address. For example, www.digital-metaphors.com is a registered domain name
    that DNS servers can resolve to an IP address.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2005
    Ok thanks Nard

    Its working now apart from an error writing to the log file a message is
    displayed saying that logging has been disabled

    I am not sure why this happens as I have set security correctly, I think, on
    the logfiles folder

    Any other ideas what can disable logging? Both the machine account and the
    IIS account have access to the folder



  • edited September 2005

    Try rebooting the machine. Only one app can access the log file. You
    probably have another server app running on the same machine.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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