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Problem getting webtier to work with windows 2003

edited October 2005 in Server

I have my webtier dll on a windows 2003 machine

The virtual directories have all been setup correctly, with the permissions
on the required folders setup as well.

For some reason I am getting a page not found error when I try to run my

If I just type in the URL of my webtier, instead of getting a "parameter not
found" or some other report builder error I just get page not found

I am starting to think that I may have missed something with the security of
dlls, or something like that in IIS

Any ideas anyone?




  • edited October 2005
    Windows 2003 Web Edition
  • edited October 2005

    Perhaps if there is another customer using RB Server and Windows 2003 they
    will see this thread and respond.

    We do not have any Windows 2003 boxes here.

    Try building a simple web broker app (that does not include RB) and get that
    working first. then incrementally add the RB functionality.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2005
    Simple web broker app?????

    Sorry not sure what you mean here! Never used WebBroker

  • edited October 2005
    Hi Nard

    This works now, was an issue with my code



  • edited October 2005
    We had the same problem.
    In Windows 2003 Enterprise Server i had to change the setup of the Web
    Services Extensions of IIS.
    There you must specifu wich ISAPI applications may run !!!

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