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Zoom To Page in webtier

edited November 2005 in Server

Is there any way that I can tell my webtier to bring up a report zoomed to
fit on the page straight away? I.e. as if the user had clicked on the zoom
to fit button?




  • edited November 2005

    1. The WebTier.Viewersettings.ZoomPercent property is used to specify the
    default zoom for all reports.

    2. When sending a URL request to the WebTier, the zoom parameter is zoom=XX
    where the XX is the percent. For example to scale the page by 70 percent


    3. The PageWidth and WholePage zoom buttons that appear on the nav bar of
    the web viewer call some JavaScript functions that compute the zoom
    percentage based on the current size of the web browser. The zoom percentage
    is then sent to the WebTier as described in 2 above.

    To see the Javascript, send a report to your web browser and then perform a
    View | Source on the nav bar.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2005
    Hi Nard

    I am having big problems with this

    What I am trying to do is to have my report come up to fill the whole page
    straight away, i.e. call the zoom javascript code straight away

    Any ideas?



  • edited November 2005

    That's definitely a departure from the current implemntation. Are you
    calling the viewer from the report explorer?

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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