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RB Server and Apache 2.x

edited November 2005 in Server

My development environment is Delphi 7 with RB Server on Win XP Pro.

I have several IntraWeb Applications running on a Win 2000 Pro under Apache
2.0.54. Up to now, I used RB 7.03 Pro for reporting over the Internet. We
bought RB server to do better internet reporting.

All the IntraWeb applications are compiled as Apache .so modules (e.g.

I worked thru all the examples but encountered problems with the Apache


Am I limited to ISAPI modules running under Apache v1.3.24 ?
Can I create a RB applications as a Apache .so modules where I declare them
as shown below ?
#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
#------------------------------ owm modules-------------------------------
LoadModule Geosites_module modules/Geosites_Apache.so

Sethandler geosites-handler

Sethandler geosites-handler


When I run the demo as described in "Deploying the WebTier on Apache",
I get the following errors (in the Apache's log file)

[Thu Nov 24 12:27:17 2005] [error] (OS 127)The specified procedure could not
be found. : ISAPI: missing GetExtensionVersion() in


Nols Smit
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