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currency sign

edited December 2005 in Server

a smal question: Where/wat machine defines the currency sign. My develop
machine has the Euro sign in country settings, the webserver machine has the
Euro sign in country settings. In the browser the old guilder sign: f apears
in a report... I cant find anything in the report definition the
displayformat is defained as: $#,0;-$#,0

thanxs in advance


  • edited December 2005

    Try testing with the ClientReport to determine whether that provides the
    same result as the webtier. It should be the report server that is doing the
    formatting - this occurs when the report page is generated. The ClientReport
    and WebTier receive the page objects and format them to an output format
    (Screen, Printer, XHTML, etc)

    Report Server --> Pages --> WebTier/ClientReport

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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