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edited December 2005 in Server

Another doubt/question.
Why in the rbserver version is it called the method GetTableNames of the
TdaSession (TdaDOASession in my case with the DOA dade adapter) ?
In the "normal" builder version this method is never invoked.
Do I miss to setup something ?

Thanks in advance


  • edited December 2005

    GetTableNames is always called. The information is typically cached by the
    MetaDataManager (daMetaDataManager.pas).

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2005
    I putted a breakpoint in TdaDOASession.GetTableNames and she is *never*
    called. Never.
    Nor while designing a new report nor when previewing/printing an already
    created one.
    It sounds logical to me, if one uses (as I do) the RB data dictionary
    This query reads all available tables in the database and this does not
    make much sense if you use data dictionary, am I wrong?
    So I don't understand why RB server uses it, unless it does not handle
    data dictionary ?

    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) ha scritto:
  • edited December 2005

    The DataDictionary is only used by the Query Tools - when the query is
    created. Once the report is saved and executed the DataDictionary is not

    Try running some reports in an execution enivironment (i.e. outside of the
    report designer). Run in a standard application and run in a server
    application. Use the debugger to put the same breakpoints in both examples.
    Look at the call stack when it breaks.

    Only TdaSQL etc. will call it - indirectly by calling the MetaDataManager.
    Only daMetaDataManager and daMetaData call GetTableNames directly. And only
    TdaSQL 'uses' those units.

    The Server code does not 'use' any of the DADE units.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2005
    For running reports in my app I always use the standard report explorer.
    It has a ppDesigner linked though I print/preview without entering the
    But I think now I understand the point, thanks.
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