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rsServer - IBX - RAP interface error

edited December 2005 in Server

I've created a report template where I use RAP with (data tb or ppReport):
Session Type = IBXSession
Database Name = my FireBird database
Database Type = InterBase

I can Preview the data

For my IBDatabase component, I use Remote connection, TCP Protocol

In the uses clause of the Server program, is typically:

Graphics, ppClass, ppCtrls, ppVar, ppBands, ppReport, daDataModule,


daDBxxx = daDBExpress for a SQLConnection (under the dbExpress group of
daDBxxx = daDBBDE for a BDE (Database connection)

I searched my C:\Program Files\Borlabd folder for daDB*.* and only found:

daDBBDE.pas, daDBExpress.pas and daDBISAM.pas

Now my question:

It seems either the file related to IBX is missing or not installed.
(I've used a SQLConnection without problems)

I also installed the IBObjects drivers but it seems RAP does not cater for
it? (Session Type and Database Type). IBObjects is important to me because
it will cater for FireBird 2.x and it is also supported by the Rubicon
drivers of Tamarack Associates.


Nols Smit


  • edited December 2005

    This is actually a DADE question. :)

    1. The default plug-ins that are installed are

    daADO -> ADO plug-in
    daIBExpress -> Interbase Express plug-in
    daDBExpress -> dbExpress plug-in
    daDBBDE -> BDE plug-in

    2. For additional plug-ins check out RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases and
    the Download DADE plug-ins section of our web site. These plug-ins have to
    be manually compiled and installed.

    For IBO, check out RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases\Interbases\IBO. There is
    a ReadMe.doc included.

    daIBO.pas - IBO plug-in

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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