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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Enhancement Request WebTier

edited December 2005 in Server

It would be great if for a future version of RbServer it would be possible
that the ReportTree on the browser is build when going into a node.
Depending on a property of the Volume.
I'll explain.
In our online reports we have over 100 reports, nicelly classed in folders.
We present them with a security system that checks what reports is available
for what user. This works fine.
I've implemented the same logics on a ArchiveVolume, with checking the
node-names to the security system the user can see the same reports that he
is allowed to run interactively in the archive volume.
But some people have all the rights, in that tree we have nov over 35.000
reports and growing with over 100 a week. Most of these reports are only
called from out of our scorecard system.
No problems so far, except, entering in the report system (and transferring
all these reports for the tree) can already take up to 1 minute.

I could make a tree for each year and then pur separate servers on it, but i
can't find a way to create a link in the 'main' tree that would act as an
anchor to another report server.

Any suggestions or thoughts or engagements are welcome..... :-)
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