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Newbie Needs Advice - Usage of Report Parameters

edited January 2006 in Server
Like a number of users who have posted here, I need to be able to filter
the reports viewable in the Report Explorer to be able to ensure that
users only see the reports they are allowed to run. That seems to be
possible, although it would be great to have an example.

I also would like to know how extensible the report parameter handling
is. I would ideally like to be able to package up all the report
parameter selection within the report itself. This would allow me to
use common code whether the report was presented on the Web through th
WebTier or directly to a Win32 client. Is this possible, or am I stuck
coding different parameter forms for Win32 and the Web? I will of
course need to populate selection criteria from a database.


  • edited January 2006

    1. Controlling which reports are available to different users.

    Check out the customer parameters example. It shows an example of how to do
    this. (see article below).

    2. Selection criteria

    Simplest solution is to use the visual query tools to define search criteria
    that are disignated as AutoSearch. RB will automatically generate the ask at
    runtime forms and modify the query search criteria for you. Basically a no
    code solution. RB supports AutoSearch for the web browser interface,
    clientreport, and of course the standard non-server architecture. So you can
    use the same reports for everthing.

    You can also do custom forms - this is shown in the custom parameters
    exxample. (again see article below).

    Tech Tips: RB Server and Custom Parameters

    The RBServer Custom Parameter demos show how to define custom session and
    report level parameters that can be used to implement security and other
    types of custom processing.

    The are three projects that work together. Each project includes a
    ReadMe.doc and commented code.

    1. RBServer\Demos\Servers\Custom Parameters
    2. RBServer\Demos\WebTier\Custom Parameters
    3. RBServer\Demos\Clients\Custom Parameters

    The demos include examples of how to...

    1. Define Custom Session parameters.

    A custom login form is displayed. Based upon the login, the catalog of
    reports available to the user is filtered.

    2. Define Custom Report parameters

    A custom parameter form is displayed. The parameters are used by the report.

    3. Custom AutoSearch form

    A custom autosearch form is displayed. The parameter values are used by the
    autosearch criteria.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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