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Unit SockApp Compiled with a Different Version id IdTCPServer

edited February 2006 in Server
RB Gurus,

While exploring the Custom Viewer DEMO for Delphi 10, an attempt at
compiling rbWebDebug produces the infamous "Unit SockApp was complied
with a different version of IdTCPServer. Delphi 7 produces a similiar

Please advise.


Monte Carver


  • edited February 2006

    ReportBuilder Server Edition does not use Indy.

    However, the Delphi Web App Debugger uses Indy. When using D2005 and D2006 I
    have noticed that I have to add Indy9 to the win32 library path to use the
    web app debugger. I have not encountered this issue with D7, but I only have
    the version of Indy that shipped with D7 installed.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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