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custom parameters demo -

edited February 2006 in Server
I have a number of questions concerning how the report templates (rtm files)
like the ones shown in the RBServer custom parameters demo were created.

- memSearchDesc
How and from where is the memSearchDesc being generated? I have
yet found a way to alter this in the demo.

How is the SQL statement being modified to accept the form parameter? I am
assuming that it is from the
lsCompanySearchExpression :=
Is this correct, and if so, how would one go about changing the search
criteria field? (i.e. SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Contact LIKE C%)

Where can I get more information on using the AutoSearchParameters?


  • edited February 2006

    1. Each of the example reports contains RAP event-handler code (RAP is the
    run-time Pascal environment included with RB Enterprise. Using RAP enables
    the code to be stored as part of the report definition (i.e. stored in the

    Note: If you have not used RAP before, check out the RAP tutorials in the
    Developers Guide, the demos installed to RBuilder\Demos\RAP and the RAP.hlp
    installed with RB).

    2. To edit the reports...

    Open the custom parameters server project. Then open the
    rbReportTemplateVolume.pas unit and place a TppReport component on the
    datamodule. Access the Report Designer and then use File | Open to open each
    of the .rtm files. To view the RAP code, access the Calc workspace and
    select View | Module (or select View | Events).

    Note: Delete the TppReport from the datamodule prior to closing it. In a
    typicaly environment I recommend using a separate project to edit the

    3. Parameter passing

    Parameters are defined on by the server and by the reports that run on the
    server. Parameter passing between the server, and webtier are handled for

    View the code and read the comments for the rbServerForm.pas unit and the
    the rbReportTemplateVolume.pas unit.

    Note: In the rbReportTemplateVolume.pas the event-handler methods have an
    aEventParams object. This object contains access to the TppReport instance
    and to the Session parameters, etc. See the RBServer.hlp for documentation
    TrsReportTemplateVolume and then select the events and then select the
    related topics.

    4. AutoSearch

    If the RB Data Workspace is used to define the AutoSearch parameters then
    the entire process handled automatically for you: parameter passing, web
    form generation, sql modification, etc.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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