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GNostice Excel Output on Webtier

edited April 2006 in Server

Please can someone provide an example for using GNostice on the webtier,
there are only examples for using waler, pragmaan and Excel




  • edited April 2006

    We do not have an example, but it should be simple to adapt either the
    TmyXLSWalerAdapter or TmyXLSPragnaanAdapter classes includes with the Excel

    1. copy the myWebAdapterXLSPragnaan.pas unit and resave to

    2. replace all occurences of 'Pragnaan' with 'Gnostice'

    3. Modify the implementation 'uses' clause. Remove the references to the two
    units PsRBExport_Main and
    PsRBExport_Excel. Add references to relevant Gnostice units.

    4. Modify the single line of code in the CreateDevice method to create the
    Gnostice XLS device.

    5. Replace the two lines of code in the ConfigureDevice method to configure
    the Gnostice device rather than the Pragnaan device. (I do not know what if
    any Gnostice properties need to be set here. Ask Gnostice). This is the one
    method that differs between Waler and Gnostice. It really just has to do
    with suppressing any dialogs and setting any excel specific output options
    that the device class contains.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2006
    Hi Nard

    I only have a trial of GNostice, so cant see the source code, but it is
    appearing as though the Excel device does not inherit from ppDevice?

    I havent heard anything from Gnostice



  • edited April 2006

    All of the third party add-on devices that produce file based output,
    descend from TppFileDevice (a descendant of TppDevice).

    Are you able to install Gnostice and use it in a simple form based windows
    app? Once you install Gnostice at Delphi design-time, you should see
    additional formats listed for the Report.DeviceType property in the object

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2006
    Hi Paul,

    I don't see an email in support about this particular issue. But anyway, the
    necessary source for the Export Interfaces can be found in the Source folder of
    Gnostice eDocEngine, even in the trial version.

    To answer this question, the Excel device DOES descend from TppFileDevice and
    then get all the work done from the main Excel Engine. If this is not solved
    yet, please email us with the unfinished .pas files and we should be able to
    modify them.

    Girish Patil
    Gnostice Information Technologies www.gnostice.com
    Gnostice eDocEngine (http://www.gnostice.com/edoc_engine.asp) -
    Electronic document creation, Report Export, PDF eForms creation...

    Gnostice PDFtoolkit (http://www.gnostice.com/pdftoolkit.asp) -
    View, Print, Convert, Modify, Enhance PDF docs, process PDF eForms...

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