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Store Custom Info In .rtm file

edited August 2002 in General
Hello All:

I have read your tech tip on storing custom info in a report. This is
exactly what I want to do.

However, I want to retrieve this info without using a TppReport. How can
I write my own procedure to access this header record info ???

What do I need to do with the constant cHeaderID = 12345 ??? ( My guess
is nothing - that this is the amount of space at the start of the file for
the custom information ).

Do I just point a file stream toward the specific tppReport and do a
Stream.seek(0, soFromBeginning)
Stream.read(recStructure,Sizeof(RecStructure)); ???

Is anything else necessary when reading the info ???

When writing info to the rtm file will the opposite work ???

1) Point stream to rtm file
2) stream.seek(0,sofrombeginning);
3) stream.write(RecStructuremSizeof(RecStructure));

Thank You

Neil Huhta
Profit Monster Data Systems LLC


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