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trsServer fatal error

edited June 2006 in Server

i have an ASP.net site running. It uses webtiercomserver,
rboraclereportserver based on your examples. In an other win32 application
we create repports based on an sql. We put the rtm file in the server and
Everything works fine.

When we add a chart ( DPTeechart) to the report sometimes we get an fatal
eror from rboraclereportserver.

You earlier wrote that there were isues with teechart and: "A possible work
around is to explictly
free the chart in the TDataModule.OnDestroy event"

How do i do this? Then name of the chart is defined in the designer. How kan
i Adres that name in rboraclereportserver?

kind regards



  • edited June 2006

    - I recommend updating to the latest version of TeeChart, they fixed some of
    their issues

    - If you know the name of the TppTeeChart component you can use the
    DataModule.FindComponent method to gain access to it. Another option is to
    iterate over the Report.Bands[].Objects[] structure and check the type of
    each object. Another option is to iterate over the DataModule.Components[]
    array and check the type of each object.

    - Once you access the TppTeeChart you can use the TppTeeChart.Chart property
    to access the chart.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    Hi NArd,

    thnx again for your help,

    the server is running solid as a rock now !!!

    i added:

    for i:= ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do
    if Components[i] is TppDPTeeChart then

    kind regards


  • edited June 2006

    Great to hear! :)

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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