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OnFormat event

edited August 2002 in General
I've a TppDBText on my report and I write code
in the OnFormat event:

procedure TValoriz.ppDBText3Format(Sender: TObject; DisplayFormat: String;
DataType: TppDataType; Value: Variant; var Text: String);
if Value=0 then Text:='';

but when I compile the project the compiler show
this message:

"Undeclared identifier: 'TppDataType' "

How can I do?


  • edited August 2002
    Hi Raf,

    when I read your message, my compiler show this message :
    "Undeclared identifier: 'Raf' " :-) please use your real name, thankyou.

    include 'ppTypes' in your uses clause.

    Chris Ueberall;

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