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refresh preview data

edited July 2006 in Server
While previewing a report, I need to refresh it according to a new set of
parameters. But without closing the preview form.

So far I've been trying to reset the engine and call InitializeParameters.
It's not enough.

Can you give me a hint?

Kind regards,
Costi Stan


  • edited July 2006

    - There is a public Viewer.RegenerateReport method that is used to
    regenerate a report when the autosearch dialog is displayed from the
    previewer, try calling Viewer.RegenerateReport

    - Are you using a ClientReport component to preview?

    - Can you provide more details about what you are trying to accomplish?

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2007
    I'm having a similar problem with reports viewed in a web browser having to
    be refreshed after autosearch options are changed from the toolbar. I'm
    using RB Server 7.04. My reports are on forms/datamodules. Is this public
    Viewer method available in this scenario? Would I execute the method in the
    TppReport.OnGetAutoSearchValues event?
    I've been unable to find any information in the RB Server help file.

  • edited August 2007

    - in the future please use a new thread, rather than posting on a old one

    - the response I posted to this thread, assumed he was using a ClientReport
    to preview the report from thin client app, not a web app.

    - In a standard setup, the report should be refreshed when new auto search
    parameters are entered. This is true for a ClientReport and a WebTier

    - There are example of this installed with RB Server, try running those and
    test whether they work properly. Then compare to your own solution.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.