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RB7 and Custom PreView

edited September 2002 in General

with RB7 i generate a lot of reports with a Custom Preview witch opens
After installing RB7 for D6 I get only a little window. The WindowsState
didnt work.

Whats to do?

Knut Lambert


  • edited September 2002
    In RB 7, we added the PreviewFormSettings to the Report. This is the new
    way to configure your report preview forms. If you created a TppPreview
    descendent and are wanting to use this to maximize its parent
    TppPrintPreview form, then it won't work. The reason is that the new
    property has to modify the print preview form after it is created. There is
    no method you can override on the TppPreview class to allow you to update
    this after the producer has set the preview form setting properties.
    However, there is the Report.OnPreviewFormCreate event which does get
    triggered and will allow you to configure each report to use the old method
    of creating a maximized preview with the zoom set to 100 percent as
    described in the tech tip article. If you use this technique in the past,
    then it will still work in RB 7. The other option is to use the new
    property to configure the preview form settings.

    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PreviewFormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    ppReport1.PreviewForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;
    TppViewer(ppReport1.PreviewForm.Viewer).ZoomSetting := zs100Percent;



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2002
    Hi Jim,

    its a fine solution and it works.

    Is there a way to change the settings generally in one position.
    I have to change about 100 Forms .


    Knut Lambert

  • edited September 2002
    You have two options, one is to open up every form and set this property on
    the report in the object inspector.

    The second option is to revert the behavior to the old way. You should be
    able to open up ppProd.pas in your RBuilder\Source directory and comment out
    the call to SettingsToPreviewForm in the TppProducer.PrintToScreen method.
    Change your library path to RBuilder\Source from RBuilder\Lib and rebuild
    your project. It tried it and it will work.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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