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RB7 loops at end of page

edited September 2002 in General
First page prints/displays OK.

Second page goes into an endless loop in the following in ppDB.PAS since the
second CheckDetailData always returns FALSE.

RB6 did this, so I upgraded to RB7 - but same loop.

procedure TppDataPipeline.DetailSkipBackward;
var lbValidDetail: Boolean;
lbValidDetail := CheckDetailData;
while not lbValidDetail and not(BOF) do
FDataTraversed := True;
lbValidDetail := CheckDetailData;


  • edited September 2002
    Can you send an example report that does this? Send it to


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2002
    The report is part of a very large application. It is not feasible to
    extract the failing report.

    What kind of events should occur to allow CheckDetailData in
    procedure TppDataPipeline.DetailSkipBackward
    to return TRUE?

    This is not a very large loop (it just lasts forever). If I knew what to
    look for, perhaps I could help you isolate the problem.
  • edited September 2002
    When the second pages starts, it must try to print the band that didn't fit
    completely on the previous page. The engine by default moves to the next
    apge and then when this case is encountered it moves back one record to try
    and print it. What component is part of the band that is breaking over onto
    the second page? Find out the top starting position of the band or
    component and try to mimic this setup in a test report using the demo
    DBDEMOS database or contrive your own test data using the JITPipeline. Send
    it to support@digital-metaphors.com If you could reproduce the problem in an
    isolated report, then we can debug it and find out what is going on and fix


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2002
    I will track the loop and try to find the ReportBuilder bug.

    Earlier this year I encountered this problem with the same app. After
    jiggering a number of properties, the loop went away. It is now back --
    even after upgrading to RB7.

    A cursory scan of Tamaraca shows that the following people have had the same
    or a very similar problem:
    6/15/01 Tom Van den Eynds
    1/24/02 Roy Jonker
    4/26/02 Lance Johnson
    3/13/02 Ole Juhl

    This in NOT a user's property problem or a user's data problem. This is a
    catastrophic coding error in RB. It is even worse than an Access Violation
    (which stops processing) since there is no warning or indication that the
    error is occuring.

    My earlier post identifies where RB is looping. I will now attempt to
    identify where your code is failing.
  • edited September 2002
    Appended below is an article which describes some common ways to configure a
    report so that you get infinite pages.

    If that doesn't help, then we really need to have the layout and some sample
    data in front of us so that we can run this report to see which component
    configuration is causing the problem. Once we have a better idea of what
    your report is doing then we can help. Please send a demo to


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

    Article: TroubleShooting: Report Prints Endless Pages

    Occasionally, we have customers state that their reports are in some
    infinite state where page after empty page prints forever.

    There are a few items to check when this occurs.

    The TppReport.AutoStop property is the first thing to check. If this is
    false when the DataPipeline property is unassigned, the endless report will
    be the result. AutoStop is automatically set to True when DataPipeline is
    set to nil, but it is possible to set it back to False. Check for instances
    in your code where you might have created this condition.

    Another thing to check is that all subreports in your report have their
    DataPipeline set. When a subreport does not have its pipeline set, you will
    sometimes see a condition where the first detail record prints and then you
    get blank pages.

    Another, non-data related cause can sometimes be your margin settings. If
    you have stretching bands that need to overflow to the next page, if your
    margins are too tight, sometimes the report engine will endlessly overflow
    to the next page trying to fit the overflow material. As a test, try setting
    DetailBand.PrintHeight to phDynamic. A dynamic height band can overflow to
    additional pages as needed.

    Still another cause might be having a statically positioned control, set to
    ReprintOnOverFlow, in the same band with a stretching control. For instance,
    if you have a memo set to stretch and in that same band, a label control set
    to ReprintOnOverFlow, then on every page after the first, the memo will
    begin to print after the label control. If the label is placed low enough
    that the memo has no room to print, the report will forever be trying to
    print the overflowing memo on the next page.

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

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