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Configuration for Windows Small Business Server 2003

edited January 2007 in Server
I am intending to host RB Reports on a Windows 2003 SBS Server.
I have opened Port 1333 and copied to the Server the compiled RB Server
demo's and have copied all associated files.

The Program does not start so their must be either setting on the SBS
Server that need modifying or some settings in the RB demo need setting
for SBS Server.

The programs run fine on Win XP Pro so I am assuming it's a security

Any guidance appreciated.



  • edited January 2007
    > The Program does not start so their must be either setting on the SBS

    In W2003 Server you need to either approve all ISAPI DLL extensions (not
    recommended and frankly I don't know how to do this, jsust have been told it
    is an option) or approve the particular ISAPI DL extensions under the 'Web
    SErvice Extensions' in IIS.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
  • edited January 2007
    Ed Dressel [Team DM] wrote:
    Thanks for that.

This discussion has been closed.