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Server Timeout in ReceiveAutoSearchFields

edited February 2007 in Server
RB Server 10.03 Delphi 6 DOAOracle Connection

I'm getting a timeout on the client side "The Operation Timed out." and I
don't know where it's coming from.

The trsClientReport is exceuted and comes back to my client side in the
TrsClientReport1ReceiveAutoSearchFields where I run some stored procedures
to build temp tables and finally return to the server for the report. Works
great but it is timing out on the larger data sets with the error noted.

What controls this timing?


  • edited February 2007

    - check the ClientReport.ServerConnection.TimeOut value. This value controls
    how long the client will wait for the server to respond to a request.

    - check the Server.TimeOut value. This value controls how long client
    sessions can remain idle before they time out.

    - And check any of the settings for DAO connection...

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2007
    The timeouts were already 600 (10 min) but I bumped them up to an hour with
    no change. The timeout still occurrs at about 1 minute. My IIS Connection
    max is set to 900 (Default).

    ClientReport.ServerConnection.TimeOut := 3600;
    Server.TimeOut := 3600;

    Not using DAO.

    The stored procedure continues to run and produce the temporary table
    dataset correctly. I have no clue where this is coming from...

  • edited February 2007
    The stored procedure continues to run and produce the temporary table
    dataset correctly. I have no clue where this is coming from...
    This turnes out to be an ASTA client timeout when running the stored
    procedure. With your help and confirmation of the RB settings I was able to
    isolate and fix this.

    THANKS for your help!
  • edited February 2007

    There was no mention of ASTA in your original post.

    For future reference, when posting questions it is extremely important to
    include all relevant informaiton about your environment. :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.